In addition to enjoying one of the world's finest mixed bag wingshooting destinations, La Criolla offers a number of excellent on-site amenities and services to enhance your stay in Argentina, from a spectacular Swimming pool and Jacuzzi to a tennis court and a golf driving range.Private Landing Strip
We have a private landing strip for those customers that prefer to hire a two hours charter flight from Buenos Aires and land directly in our property. Depending on the size of the group they can be Cessna 310, 402, piper Navajos or King Air 90 & 200.Close to the action
We are proud to boast having the only operation in the entire province of Santa Fe with a dove roost on our property. Our strategic location allows for drives which are by far the shortest among mixed bag lodges. Hunters are able to literally walk to a number of dove blinds located close to the lodge.-
Roberto, Tomas and staff, after having spent five other hunts in Argentina, this one ranks at the best! Most courteous staff, great food and the best hunting combined made this trip a 5 star experience. Thanks!Dennis Greensage Houston, TX
Every Hunter dreams of coming to Argentina and arrives with high expectations. We all wants to shoot doves, have the duck hunts of our lives. Thanks to all of you we lived those dreams. In fact with an unexpected fantastic Dorado fishing experience. Gracias Para todos amigos, with no doubt we will be back!Randy Long Orange County, CA
Many thanks for the outstanding hunt and hospitality, everything was first class.Charlie Potter, Dundee, ILL